Next Meeting

The next CineTech Media Pros meeting
will be on September 15th, 2020, via ZOOM.

Details to follow

Tuesday, September 15th, 2020

Where: ZOOM


7:00pm-9:00pm: Chatting, Presentation and Q&A

Members of CineTech Media Pros: FREE.
Non-members: In person $15/Online: FREE
(become a member before the meeting to attend all our in-person meetings for free)
FDU Students: FREE
Non-FDU Students: In person: $5/Online: FREE

Although we are not charging for our online ZOOM meetings at this time, donations would be greatly appreciated!

NOTE: CineTech Media Pros is a 501(c)6 and donations are not tax deductible as charitable contributions, but may be deductible as a business or educational expense. Contact your tax advisor for details.

Suggestions Welcome
If you have any suggestions for meeting topics or potential members, please get in touch!

Email any member of the Board with your ideas and suggestions


Meeting Schedule

CineTech Media Professionals meetings are generally held the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
2020 Full Schedule

Newsletter Signup

Join our email list to get the latest news from CineTech Media Professionals.

Support Our Sponsors

Support the businesses that keep us up and running.
Our Sponsors.

NOTE: CineTech Media Pros is a 501(c)6 and donations are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. Contact your tax advisor for details.

Cinetech Expo

New Jersey’s premier video and media production showcase.
Stay tuned for info about EXPO 2020!

Contact David Landau, Cinematography Director at Fairleigh Dickinson University at [email protected]